#11 – LEAD DOMINO podcast – Steve Vollmer

On today’s episode we host Steve Vollmer. Steve is a Madison, WI native who attended Lakeland College, competed in DIII soccer and earned a Business-Marketing degree. Steve’s love of art and sports collided after a few years competing in the Professional Development League for soccer when he joined the Sports Information Department back at Lakeland College. Steve’s willingness to learn and work hard afforded him many opportunities until finally landing a 2-week temporary gig at the NFL that lasted 5 years! Steve brings us on his journey from Madison, WI to NYC. His story is full of great advice, insights and tragedy. We learn how these 2 major tragedies in Steve’s life exposed what he was truly made of and fueled a response of gratitude, passion and perspective. How does someone turn these negatives into positives – Steve tells us.
How does someone combine their two passions and make a living – Steve tells us.
How does someone manufacture luck – Steve tells us.
Connect with Steve on LinkedIn and follow him on twitter and instagram @SteveVollmerJr
